As announced months ago, the Gutenberg editor has been released along with the much-awaited WordPress 5.0 update on the 6th of December 2018. The update has equally received positive and negative responses. It is always recommended to use the latest version of the WordPress editor but still, this is not one such usual update that everyone can pass through. The Gutenberg editor is really going to affect millions of websites with its block editor until they are ready to adapt to the new scenario. You can shift to the classic WordPress editor anytime and you have complete freedom on that. Further below let us discuss the simple ways by which you could disable the Gutenberg Editor WordPress 5.9 and switch back to the classic editor.
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Disable Gutenberg with WordPress Classic Editor Plugin
The easiest and the quickest way to disable the Gutenberg editor is by using the Classic Editor Plugin. The plugin is completely free and is designed entirely for disabling the Gutenberg editor and using the classic editor comfortably.
The post heading block on the WordPress Gutenberg editor will look like this, and you will have to add blocks for each and every step in the content to proceed.

Step 1:
Click Add New from the Plugins menu.

Step 2:
Type Classic Editor in the search box and the Classic Editor plugin by WordPress Contributors will appear on the top of the list.

Step 3:
Install and activate the plugin.
Once Installed, the classic editor will be restored by default. Now open your posts and you will see your classic editor back.

Getting your classic editor back is as simple as that. Now if you wish to switch to Gutenberg editor read further.
Click Settings > Writing to get the “Classic editor settings.”

The plugin offers two options to choose your default editor.

If you select YES, you will see options to switch between editors under your posts (see image below).

If you opt to choose NO, then your dashboard would look like the same old classic WordPress editor without any changes.
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