How to Add Adsense Code in WordPress: After getting decent traffic to your site or blog, the first step is to monetize the website. Google Adsense is one of the top-paying Advertisers in the world. There are plenty of websites monetized with Google Adsense. Google Adsense pays you high, but they also have certain restrictions and instructions to be followed.
What is Google Adsense?
Google Adsense is an advertising network owned by Google which allows bloggers and website owners to earn money for displaying images, texts, and other interactive advertisements on their website. By using Google Adsense, you can be safe and need not worry about payments. Google administrators are maintaining a good relationship with the advertisers, they get the payment from them, take the maintenance fee and deposit the remaining in your account.
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How to Add Adsense Code in WordPress?
There are many ways of adding Adsense code to your WordPress site. Here are the two most important and easiest ways to add the Adsense code to the WordPress:
- Adding Adsense code without using Plugin
- Adding Adsense code using Plugin
Getting Adsense Code
Step 1: Go to Google Adsense
Step 2: Under My Ads -> Contents -> Click on Ad Units and then click New Ad Unit

Step 3: You can select which type of Ads you prefer. There are four types available. The types are Text & Display Ads, Matched Content ads, In-Feed Ads, and In-Article Ads.

Step 4: After selecting the type of ads, give the ad unit a name and choose the banner size. You can also modify the styles, and custom channels as well. Then click Save and Get Code.

Step 5: Once you click “Save and Get Code“, the Ad Unit will be successfully created. You can copy the AdSense code for further use.

1. Adding Adsense Code without Using Plugin
The Ads are displayed in the sidebar mostly. You can easily add the Adsense code on the sidebars without using the plugins. After getting the Adsense Code, Log in to the WordPress site. Click Appearance -> Widgets.

There are plenty of widgets available, search for the “Custom HTML” widget and drag the widget towards the sidebar and place it. Now add the title and paste the code into the box and click save.

This will place the Adsense code on the sidebar of all the posts.
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2. Adding Adsense Code Using Plugin
There are plenty of plugins available in WordPress to insert Adsense codes into your posts. A few famous plugins to insert ad codes are Ad Inserter, Easy Adsense Ads, AdSense Plugin WP QUADS, and much more. You can try any of the above plugins. Here, We are listing how to add Adsense codes using Ad Inserter
In the WordPress Dashboard, click on Plugin -> Add New

Search for Ad Inserter plugin and click on Install Button

Once it is installed, click on the Activate Button

Now go to Settings -> Ad Inserter

On the Ad Inserter page, You will find Blocks and many checkboxes. The black space is the space where you enter the Adsense code and You can also set the ads on the homepage, static page, categories, and much more.

Select the Automatic Insertion dropdown. There you will find the places where you can place the ads.

Once you place the ads in a particular place. You can go to block 2 to place the ads in another place. Thus, the plugin is very helpful to place ads in the space you wish.

Stuck somewhere in the middle of the process, then leave a comment below.